

茶茶子自設中央食品工場,加工原材料及半制成品,生產設備均由日本引進,以符合日本料理標準,生產過程由米粒清洗、醋飯混合、壽司成型、產品包裝等經自動化系統處理,從環境衛生到生產程序嚴格按照業界標準進行,所有管理人員均完成 ANSI-CFP 食品安全管理認證資格。

我們夥拍世界各地供應商採購食材,並嚴格挑選優質之食材產地,三文魚產自挪威冰冷海域,野生帆立貝產自加拿大,油甘魚及真赤鯛產於鹿兒島, 藍鰭吞拿魚產自長崎縣鷹島。茶茶子貫徹以優質食材,優惠合理的價格,打破壽司等同高消費的傳統觀念,以精益求精的精神,延續傳統口味與融合創新,按季節時令食材開發新產品,為顧客呈現具現代口感,豐富多變的便利日式料理。

About Us

While continuously redefining the take-away sushi scene of Macau, Chachako has built a reputation for quality and consistency over the past ten years. Honoring traditional technique while being inspired by the innovation found in modern cuisine, the menu features a variety of classic Japanese fare as well as unique Asian inspired snacks.
The ingredients of our products are delivered directly from their places of origin - 75% imported and 25% purchased domestically. Our quality salmon is imported directly from Norway, wild caught scallop is imported from Canada, blue-fin tuna arrive from Nagasaki Japan. Each step is required to strictly adhere to the company's policy of 100% freshness, no food products held overnight to be sold the next day. We are demanding in regard to details and we want the best for our customers.